Recommendations for Residents

To protect yourself as a tenant, the Burlington Resident Association recommends to keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. You must submit maintenance requests in writing. Submit them on the portal here. You may also email We also strongly recommend you fill out the association's maintenance form so that the association can track the maintenance request and ensure the request gets completed in a timely matter. You must follow up with incomplete maintenance requests unless you contact for assistance!
  2. If you have been a victim of a crime on the property, file a police report online. We strongly recommend you also file a security incident report with the association.
  3. Do not submit your pets for property management's "Pet of the Month" campaigns.
    • We have had one confirmed report of a resident being questioned about an emotional support animal after submitting them and property management demanding pet rent for this animal. This was a completely unnecessary situation that did not need to be pursued, and it is imperative that residents protect themselves from possible misunderstandings with management.
  4. If you have smoking scents seeping into your apartment, we recommend following our page for guidance on how to respond to smoking scents.
  5. Pick up your packages as soon as possible, add the Luxer email account to your email permit list, and track your packages' expected arrivals in case they are not scanned properly. If you suspect yourself a victim of a package theft, please see this page.
    • If at all possible, do not get packages delivered on Sundays!
  6. Do not directly confront supicious behavior on the property. Connect with the proper lines of communication.
    • If it is an emergency: call 911!
    • For non-emergency, call security at 612-263-0155 and police non-emergency line at 651-291-1111.